---+ Default Web Top Menu of !FotoSkin This topic defines the default menu structure of a web. It is used by the FotoSkin in case the WebTopMenu topic is missing in a web. ----- %INCLUDE{"%SYSTEMWEB%.FotoSkin"}% <div class="twTopMenuTab">%STARTINCLUDE% %INCLUDE{%SYSTEMWEB%.FotoSkinHomeMenu}% * [[%BASEWEB%.%HOMETOPIC%][<img src="%ICONURL{web-bg}%" border="0" alt="" width="16" height="16" style="background-color:%WEBBGCOLOR%" /> <nop>%MAKETEXT{"[_1] Web" args="%BASEWEB{format="$current"}%"}% %ICON{menu-down}%]] * [[%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/%BASEWEB%/WebCreateNewTopic?topicparent=%BASETOPIC%][ %ICON{"newtopic"}% %MAKETEXT{"Create New Topic"}%]] * [[%BASEWEB%.WebTopicList][ %ICON{"index"}% %MAKETEXT{"Index"}%]] * [[%BASEWEB%.WebSearch][ %ICON{"searchtopic"}% %MAKETEXT{"Search"}%]] * [[%BASEWEB%.WebChanges][ %ICON{"changes"}% %MAKETEXT{"Changes"}%]] * [[%BASEWEB%.WebNotify][ %ICON{"notify"}% %MAKETEXT{"Notifications"}%]] * [[%BASEWEB%.WebRss][ %ICON{"feed"}% %MAKETEXT{"RSS Feed"}%]] * [[%BASEWEB%.WebStatistics][ %ICON{"statistics"}% %MAKETEXT{"Statistics"}%]] * [[%BASEWEB%.WebPreferences][ %ICON{"wrench"}% %MAKETEXT{"Preferences"}%]] %INCLUDE{%SYSTEMWEB%.FotoSkinTopicMenu}% %STOPINCLUDE%</div> ----- * Disable WYSIWYG editor for this page: * Set EDITMETHOD = raw __Related topics:__ FotoSkin, FotoSkinTopBar, WebTopMenu, FotoSkinHomeMenu, FotoSkinTopicMenu
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Topic revision: r2 - 2011-07-28 - TWikiContributor
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