---+ Home Menu of !TopMenuSkin This topic defines the Home pulldown menu, used by the TopMenuSkin. ----- %INCLUDE{"TopMenuSkin"}% <div class="twTopMenuTab">%STARTINCLUDE%<nop> * <img src='%PUBURL%/%SYSTEMWEB%/TopMenuSkin/menu-vbar.png' alt='' width='4' height='22' /> * <a href="%WEBLOGOURL%" title="TWiki home --- Tip: This menu-bar is also a 'You are here' breadcrumb">%ICON{"twiki-gray"}% <nop>%MAKETEXT{"Home"}% %ICONURL{menu-down}%</a> * <a href="%SCRIPTURLPATH{view}%/%SYSTEMWEB%/SiteMap" title="Site map listing all webs">%ICON{sitetree}% %MAKETEXT{"Site map"}%</a> %WEBLIST{ " * <span style=\"white-space:nowrap\"><a href=\"%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/$name/%HOMETOPIC%\"><img src=\"%ICONURL{web-bg}%\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" style=\"background-color:%$markerVAR{\"WEBBGCOLOR\" web=$qname}$marker%\" /> <nop>$indentedname %MAKETEXT{web}%</a></span>" limit="26" overlimit=" * [[%SYSTEMWEB%.SiteMap][<img src=\"%ICONURL{dot_ur}%\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" /> %MAKETEXT{"More..."}%]]" }% * <img src='%PUBURL%/%SYSTEMWEB%/TopMenuSkin/menu-right.png' alt='' width='8' height='22' /> <nop>%STOPINCLUDE%</div> ----- * Disable WYSIWYG editor for this page: * Set EDITMETHOD = raw __Related topics:__ TopMenuSkin, TopMenuSkinTopBar, WebTopMenu, TopMenuSkinDefaultWebTopMenu, TopMenuSkinTopicMenu
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Topic revision: r4 - 2011-07-28 - TWikiContributor
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