Kalendarz %CALENDAR% Rozkładówka - % TIMETABLE%- z różnymi parametrami daty. =%ICON{led-aqua}%= %TIMETABLE{compatmode="on" wholetimerow="on"}% %TIMETABLE{compatmode="1" startdate="-10" rotatetable="on" days="1" forcestartdate="on" timeinterval="60"}% * Mon,Tue - 9 - 14 - MONTEST1 - magenta * Mon - 9 - 11 - MONTEST2 - yellow * Tue - 10:00 - 11:00 - TUETESTFO - silver * Tue - 9 - 11:30 - TUETEST3 - white,maroon * Tue - 12 - 15 - TUETEST4 - olive * 13 Jan 2012 - 10:30-12:00 Meeting - green <pre>* 13 Jun - 10:30-12:00 Meeting </pre> * Wed - 7 - 9 - WEDTEST1 - white,navy * Wed - 13 - 17 - WEDTEST4 - lime * Thu - 7 - 20:30 - THUTEST1 - white,gray * E Thu - THUTEST2 %TTCM{,green}% * Fri - 7 - 10 - FRITEST1 - white,purple * Fri - 12 - 15 - FRITEST2 - orange * E Fri - FRITEST3 %TTCM{10-10:30,cyan}% * Sat - 5 - 10 - SATTEST1 - white,blue * Sat - 6 - 21 - SATTEST2 - yellow * Sat - 11 - 22 - SATTEST3 - green * Sun - 9:18 - 17:35 - SUNTEST1 - red * Sun - 18:00 - 18:15 - SUNTEST2 - yellow Wykres dynamiczny- %<nop>GNUPLOT{"Wykresik"}% <pre>%TIMETABLE{compatmode="1" startdate="12 Jun 2006"}% * 12 Jun - %TTCM{"10am-5pm,yellow"}% Every 12th of June between 10am and 5pm * E Wed - Every Wednesday (whole-time) * 12 Jun 2006 - 19 Jun 2006 - %TTCM{"12:15pm-1pm,white,black"}% Lunch with Mary * 13 Jun 2006 - 10:00-12:00 Meeting * 14 Jun 2006 - Meeting - 01pm-03pm,green</pre> %GNUPLOT{"Wykresik"}% =Charty na podstawie tabeli:= *Table 2:* %EDITTABLE{changerows="on" }% %TABLE{name="exampleTable2"}% | *Year* | *1998* | *1999* | *2000* | *2001* | *2002* | | *Low* | 8 | 10 | 13 | 17 | 22 | | *Target* | 10 | 12 | 17 | 20 | 25 | | *High* | 12 | 15 | 19 | 24 | 29 | | *Actual* | 9 | 14 | 15 | 19 | 27 | =%CHART{name="area1" table="exampleTable2" type="area" data="R2:C2..R99:C6" xaxis="R1:C2..R1:C99" legend="R2:C1..R99:C1" ymax="30" width="225" height="200" numygrid="4"}%= =Polecenie: %<nop>CHART{name="area1" table="exampleTab =%CHART{name="bar1" table="exampleTable2" type="bar" data="R3:C2..R99:C4" xaxis="R1:C2..R1:C4" legend="R3:C1..R99:C1" ymin="0" ymax="19" numygrids="9" width="225" height="200"}%= =Polecenie: %<nop>CHART{name="bar1" table="exam =%CHART{name="line2" table="exampleTable2" type="line" data="R2:C2..R5:C6" xaxis="R1:C2..R1:C6" legend="R2:C1..R5:C1" ymin="5" ymax="30" numygrids="4" width="225" height="200"}%= =Polecenie: %<nop>CHART{name="line2" table="exa -- Main.MariuszTwardowski - 2012-02-28
This topic: Sandbox
Topic revision: r4 - 2012-06-05 - MartaBorowiec
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