---+ Package =TWiki::Access= A singleton object of this class manages the access control database. %TOC% ---++ ClassMethod *new* <tt>($session)</tt> Constructor. ---++ ObjectMethod *finish* <tt>()</tt> Break circular references. ---++ ObjectMethod *getReason* <tt>() -> $string</tt> Return a string describing the reason why the last access control failure occurred. ---++ ObjectMethod *checkAccessPermission* <tt>($action,$user,$text,$meta,$topic,$web) -> $boolean</tt> Check if user is allowed to access topic * =$action= - 'VIEW', 'CHANGE', 'CREATE', etc. * =$user= - User id (*not* wikiname) * =$text= - If undef or '': Read '$theWebName.$theTopicName' to check permissions * =$meta= - If undef, but =$text= is defined, then metadata will be parsed from =$text=. If defined, then metadata embedded in =$text= will be ignored. Always ignored if =$text= is undefined. Settings in =$meta= override * Set settings in plain text. * =$topic= - Topic name to check, e.g. 'SomeTopic' *undef to check web perms only) * =$web= - Web, e.g. 'Know' If the check fails, the reason can be recoveered using getReason.
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r4 - 2008-01-22 - TWikiContributor
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