-- BeataHejmanowska - 2012-03-02

Underground studies

Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry II

spring semester

30 h Lectures

Background of remote sensing

Electromagnetic radiation. Interactions with the atmosphere. Radiation – target interactions. Passive and active sensing. Image characteristic (DN, spectral curves).

Satellite and sensors. Spatial, spectral, radiometric and temporal resolutions. Thermal and microwave imaging. Backgrounds of thermovisin.

Image interpretation and analysis. Pre-processing. Image enhancement. Image Transformation. Image Classification.

Methods and products from airborne images

Preparatory remarks on mathematics and digital processing. Coordinates transformation. Resampling.

Geometrical image processing. Orthophotoimagery: backgrounds of orthorectification, orthoimage and orthophotomap, digital image resampling.

Analytical model generation on the base on stereograms. Airborne stereogram. Stereodigitization (3D) digital map preparation.

Aerotriangulation: aims, methods, new aerotriangulation methods (digital aerotriangulation, aerotriangulation applying image centers of perspectives determined by GPS).

Photogrammetric network, artificial and natural points.

Digital Terrain Model

Data sources for DTM generation: digital photogrammetry and process automation. Laser scanning and radar interferometry.


Application of digital ortophotomaps in Poland, standards in ortophotomap generation. Requirements of airborne and satellite images.

Photogrammetric image stations, steps of vector and raster map production.

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