CALENDAR -- show a monthly calendar with highlighted events

  • Events are defined by bullets, see CalendarPlugin#Event_Syntax for details. The %CALENDAR{}% variable is handled by the CalendarPlugin.
  • Syntax: %CALENDAR{ parameters }%
  • Parameters:
    Parameter Description DefaultSorted ascending
    showweekdayheaders="1" Show the weekday headers "0"
    cellspacing="n" Spacing of calendar cells. (sharpborders="0" required) "0"
    nowrap="1" or "0" Prevent cell content from wrapping "0"
    aslist Controls whether events displayed in calendar style (aslist=0) or list style (aslist=1). Note that specifying aslist=1 forces showdatenumbers=1. This is done to ensure that the date number is formatted according to datenumberformat and that only the days that have an event are listed. "0"
    showdatenumbers="0" Show day numbers 1...31 in date cells. Note that showdatenumbers=1 means that HTML::CalendarMonthSimple will add the date numbers to the cells. If showdatenumbers=0, then the plugin adds the date numbers. The result of this is that a calendar will always show the date numbers. "0" (except with aslist="1", see below)
    weekstartsonmonday="1" or "0" Flag to start week on Monday "0" (Sunday)
    weekdayheadersbig="0" If enabled, show weekday headers in bold cell headings "1"
    sharpborders="n" If set to 1, this gives very crisp edges between the table cells. If set to 0 standard HTML cells are used. "1"
    border="n" Border width of calendar table. (sharpborders="0" required) "1"
    days Specifies how many days of calendar data to list. Only valid if aslist="1". "1"
    months Specifies how many months of calendars to display. Only valid if aslist="0". "1"
    cellpadding="n" Padding of calendar cells. (sharpborders="0" required) "3"
    contentcolor="#nnnn" Default content color of all cells unless redefined "black"
    cellalignment="left" Horizontal cell alignment of day cells: "left", "center", "right", "justify", "char" "center"
    lang="language" Language: First few characters of "English", "Francais", "Deutsch", "Espagnol", "Portugues", "Nederlands", "Italiano", "Norsk", "Svenska", "Dansk", "Suomi", "Magyar", "Polski "English"
    daynames="Mon|Tue|..." Custom day names "Monday|Tuesday|
    vcellalignment="middle" Vertical cell alignment of day cells: "top", "middle", "bottom", "baseline" "top"
    bgcolor="#nnnn" Default background color of all cells unless redefined by other color settings below (use an HTML color-code like "#000000" as defined in StandardColors) "white"
    datenumberformat Specifies formatting for the date number in each cell. The formatting codes accepted are the same as those for the %GMTIME% variable. $day (if aslist="0")
      * $day $mon $year (if aslist="1")
    multidayformat Specifies formatting of the description for multi-day events. See Multi-Day Event Formatting for details. $description
    and other attributes of HTML::CalendarMonthSimple
    weekdayheadercolor="#nnnn" Background color of weekdays' headers bgcolor setting
    weekendheadercolor="#nnnn" Background color of weekends' headers bgcolor setting
    weekdaycolor="#nnnn" Background color of weekday cells bgcolor setting
    headercontentcolor="#nnnn" Content color of the Month+Year header contentcolor setting
    Content color of weekdays' headers contentcolor setting
    Content color of weekends' headers contentcolor setting
    weekdaycontentcolor="#nnnn" Content color of weekday cells contentcolor setting
    weekendcontentcolor="#nnnn" Content color of weekend cells contentcolor setting
    todaycontentcolor="#nnnn" Content color of today's cell contentcolor setting
    month="mm" The month Current month
    month="+mm" or "-mm" relative month Current month
    header="..." Text at the top of the calendar; use $m for current month, $y for year Current month and year
    year="yyyy" The year Current year
    year="+yy" or "-yy" Relative year Current year
    todaydatenumberformat Specifies formatting for the date number for the current day (today) in the calendar. The formatting codes accepted are the same as those for the %GMTIME% variable. datenumberformat
    weekendcolor="#nnnn" Background of weekend cells light gray
    cellheight="n" Height in pixels of each cell in the calendar Minimum height needed
    width="n" or "n%" Width of calendar table in pixels or percent Minimum width needed
    format="..." How to highlight a date See Event Formatting below
    gmtoffset="+/-hh" Timezone expressed as number of hours offset from GMT Server timezone
    web="Webname" Web containing the event topic The current web
    topic="TopicName" Topic containing events The topic containing the tag
    topic="Web.TopicName1, Web.TopicName2" Topics containing events The topics containing the tags
    headercolor="#nnnn" Background color of the Month+Year header The web bgcolor
    todaycolor="#nnnn" Background of today's cell The web bgcolor
  • Example: %CALENDAR{ month="2" year="2025" bgcolor="cyan" }% shows a February 2025 calendar
  • Category: DateAndTimeVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables
  • Related: DATE, DISPLAYTIME, GMTIME{"format"}, SERVERTIME, CalendarPlugin
Topic revision: r0 - 2012-12-04 - TWikiContributor
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