
The Master's degree program in Remote Sensing and Geo-Informatics focuses on the application of modern remote  sensing and geoinformatics technologies in spatial data analysis, which are crucial for the rapidly developing information-based economy. The interdisciplinary curriculum of the program responds to the growing demand for professionals capable of utilizing remotely acquired data and advanced image processing techniques for the analysis and monitoring of our planet. The field of Remote Sensing and Geo-Informatics is situated within the engineering and technical sciences domain, specifically in the discipline of civil engineering, surveying and transportation. Graduates are prepared to meet the challenges associated with the complexities of environmental monitoring, spatial data analysis, and the utilization of cutting-edge technologies to support sustainable development. They are also equipped to make critical decisions concerning our planet. 

The program of the Remote Sensing and Geo-Informatics is intended for both graduates of engineering and bachelor's studies.


  • knowledge necessary for data collection, analysis, and interpretation obtained through various platforms such as satellites, aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)

  • working with multispectral, hyperspectral, thermal, and radar images sourced from both airborne and satellite platforms

  • employing advanced algorithms and tools for the analysis and interpretation of large sets of geospatial data

  • utilization of computational data processing techniques based on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning

  • applaing advanced algorithms for automatic image analysis and classification, change detection, and identification of objects of significance

  • generating models, forecasts, and thematic maps that find applications in various fields such as spatial planning, natural resource management, environmental monitoring, and scientific research

  • working with different tools and technologies, including geographic information systems (GIS), image processing software, and spatial data analysis platforms

  • data interpretation and extraction essential information regarding land cover and land use changes, environmental transformations, ecological and geological processes, as well as support decision-making processes related to natural resource management

  • understanding of the importance of spatial information and can effectively present the results of their analyses in graphical and interactive forms